How Can Schools Manage With COVID-19?
In recent years the world has been rapidly changing; Learning for children and young people is no exception since more and more agile methods are required, as well as tools that adapt to this rhythm.
Situations of a health crisis, public safety, or even natural disasters; they put continuity in education at risk; such is the case that we are now living with the COVID-19 pandemic, which has put traditional education in check.
But not everything is lost; it has been seen that this situation has generated the need to look for other forms and channels to mitigate the damage. Which has allowed online education to accelerate its process as a new form of teaching, because it is not only another way of obtaining knowledge, but it could be one of the best ways of learning for the new generations?
So institutions that only offer face-to-face education will lag if they fail to counter the difficulties that can be unleashed during times of crisis such as the current one. Below, we share the five problems that, due to the COVID-19, schools that only offer face-to-face education face and how the online modality is a solution for all of them:
- The feeling of dissatisfaction in the parents: although there are external factors that can come abruptly, not being prepared for a contingency that interrupts the school year can generate displeasure in the parents. Imagine having the perception of paying for something that you do not use, is that what an ally in the training of your children would do? Collaborative work can be generated through a digital platform: interacting in digital environments, sharing documents, videos, podcasts, and other tools that encourage online exchange.
- Cover the salaries of teachers who are not active: the world has stopped, and it is disturbing that education too. Having an instrument that allows taking advantage and connecting the knowledge and talents of teachers with students and parents to continue with school activities, regardless of geographic location, will avoid wasting human resources.
- Obsolescence in new educational trends: adhering only to government recommendations at this time is not an option. Institutions that do not get on the train of the technological revolution will be perceived as “old schools” and anachronistic. Who would like to be guided by someone who cannot adapt to the changes?
- Not only being a victim of a health crisis, but also an economic one: one of the great advantages of creating online options within the institution is that with little investment you can ensure the flow of tuition by not having to stop activities due to contingencies. What will allow us to keep students and have almost infinite possibilities to attract new ones.
- Isolation of teachers, parents, and children: students, teachers, and parents will be able to build a close bond without interrupting educational development. Thanks to a platform that opens different communication channels such as chats, forums, and videoconference rooms; This will become a powerful decision-making argument for prospects.